This medium I’ve committed to is more than a practice of  suspending time. It is a commitment to the communities I engage with, the tradition of the darkroom, and my own peace of mind as a photographer with a purpose. Focusing on working class and underserved neighborhoods- areas that give me hope and inspiration regardless of socio economic conditions, my photographs are influenced by real life, documentary style set to black and white film. How this effort lives beyond me is a question I am unable to answer, but I spend time with. For now, it is about the person I connect with and learn from, and how I introduce them to others. 

While most of my work is performed with film, I have digital access and will adjust accordingly. I am available for short term projects, events, and willing to travel. I develop film at home and based on the amount of work required, I have a 48 hour or less turnaround for processing. 


Contact Information

Based in Ohio and Michigan.


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